achchhee tarah dekhabhaal karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. A simple diet is usually sufficient to put the mother and her baby safe from any accidents 2. At six weeks, the baby is able to keep his head in the plane of the shoulders, at least momentarily 3. Breeders then have turned to the production of young bulls or heifers, called baby -beef sold when they weigh 400 to 500 kilograms, that is to say to fifteen months (while in fattening cattle on meadow sell at the age of thirty months) 4. But in the baby as in children of six, observation shows that success can only be obtained at the cost of many attempts, with a large number of unnecessary, even absurd comparisons 5. But she was a woman, a being whose feelings, sensations, baby impressionability, willingly or unwillingly, to gush out into a babbling loquacity, diffuse tense, words, many words